Monday, May 16, 2016

Danish nature

Gonna post a huge set of pictures, since we had a small vacay and it was super nice summer weather and we also happened to have a car during this time. Good karma! 

Castle in our town. 

We have sooo many swans in our town and they keep making babies every year. Apparently they all don't fly away from parents' place. That's why I'm not so impressed if someone sees swans anymore.

We have had amazing hotel breakfast every morning during this vacay. Probably not so healthy. 

But it's been so warm and summery, we deserve some pampering. We even hit 25 C.

One of the best days was when there was may market and international market at the same time in our town in amazing weather!

It's a me.

The following pictures are from the deer forest in Vejle.

I just LOVE forests for some reason, so I took a ton of pictures. 

I lived next to a forest for 23 years, so maybe that's why I suddenly love them so much.

Check out the sea at the back, wow.

Yeah, there was actually lots of deers in that forest, but they were shy (obviously).

We ended up at a beach in some small never-heard town. 

Every beach we passed by, was packed!

This is from another deer park, this time in Middelfart. We went there by accident.

Very stockphotoey.

Oh shit, we found such amazing place from a forest in the deer park.

I think people like to do biking in crazy places like this.

Wow, look at that clear water and then a fucking kayak came in the middle! Perfection!

So beautiful. I love when I accidentally find natural places like that.

This didn't even look like Denmark!

 That was a huge flower tree, with a huge bee hive. Just imagine the constant ZZZZZZZZ sound.

This is the view from our lovely balcony.

And this is from our kitchen window. Love dat light up water tower.

Monday, May 9, 2016

You buy too much cheap clothes!

In recent years I have reduced my clothe shopping a lot, since originally I wanted to save money and I felt that I already own every piece of clothing I need for any occasion, so why would I have to keep piling the clothes?

I actually started to become super concious about the stuff I own and consume when I moved in to my first apartment in a different country. All my stuff and clothes were in a different country, so there was very limited stuff I could bring from my previous home, since I had to bring it through airplane and several trains. When I thought I was gonna move away from my new country again, I packed my bags and had to donate a lot of my stuff away that I had dragged all the way from my home country (I had brought more stuff everytime I visited my home country during my study years) a lot of stuff got thrown to the trash too, since no one wanted my ugly clothes and I had no space in my bags anymore. After this I have really admired simple life and I totally HATE clutter. It's really not the fact that "oh no, I had to throw away my stuff :(" that stuff was shit anyway! Why not just have the essentials all the time? Nowadays I always have only one bottle of shampoo, cream etc and use it all up before buying new. I used to have several bottles open at the same time and I bet I'm not the only female doing that. Now in our household only my boyfriend does that and I hate it haha sorry. Anyway that was the story of how I became to hate clutter and consumerism in general.

I wanted to talk about how everyone in the fancy countries buy too much cheap useless clothes!

So I watched this documentary called "The True Cost" which is telling the story behind all of our everyday clothes that you and me use and buy. Especially the cheap shit we buy from stores like H&M, Primark, Zara etc you know the ordinary mainstream stores. I thought everyone should know how exactly they are made! I know most of people know the horror stories of sweatshops in Bangladesh and China where the workers get paid 2 dollars a day and work crazy overtimes all the time, but there's actually a lot more horrific stuff behind it.

The most horrific thing to me was the cotton fields part, so I'll just try to write what it is in short and simple, since most people don't have time or interest to actually watch a long documentary about this.

Your clothes are made of cotton. Majority of the world's cotton fields are genetically modified (GMO) cotton fields, only a small percentage is organic cotton and that kind of clothes are super rare and expensive. There is a big seed company that patented the GMO cotton seed, so all of the cotton farmers have to always buy cotton seeds from that big company which has added 1400% more price to it. This brings the cotton farmers in to debt. This results in vast cotton farmer suicides! It's like, everyday a couple of cotton farmers kill themselves. Check the documentary for accurate numbers, I can't remember off the bat.

The villages around the cotton fields are affected too. Even though the seeds are GMO they need to be sprayed with tons of chemicals in order for the cotton to grow all year round and not only seasonally + grow faster and other mutant stuff. All of the villages around the fields have very high number of retarded children, mental illnesses, cancers, tumors etc all kinds of bad stuff, probably from all that chemical. The farmers themselves always die early from a disease like that.

And of course the terrible sweatshops, but that is a bit more common subject so I'll just leave it at that. There was actually just recently an incident in Bangladesh, where a garment factory was in a very bad condition. There was visible cracks everywhere in the building and the workers notified the factory owner, but he didn't give a shit. Then the building collapsed killing 1000 slave workers. :(

How can you as a consumer help? I don't know, these people have work thanks to this, but it's like slavery in my opinion. Those countries are poor as hell and you are lucky to have a job. I don't know if enough people in the consuming world can become aware and stop buying these cheap clothes, enough to make the big heads of the companies to take action, right now they only see dollar signs in their eyes. Did you know that every sixth person in the world works in some part of the clothing industry?

Here's me, consuming. Okay bye!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

At the movie theater

This is a negative complaining post about going to the movie theaters =) 

I have always loved to go see movies as probably everyone does. Recently I haven't gone too often, since I have become super stingy about using money. I'd say we go to the movies 2 times a year with the bf. I wanted to go see Jungle Book, since I love Disney stuff. So we decided now is the time, since we had free time and had a mini date lol we rarely do those.

Now, usually when we go see "kids" movies there's always english and danish version available, we choose the english one obviously and all the kids go to the danish one. Well they don't show the danish one here for some reason at all, but I didn't think much of it - until we entered the theater. So many kids, but I was like okay I'm not judging this shit, it's cool. 

Then the movie started. 2 kids with their mommy in front of us keep talking in normal voice. They ask their mom stuff and mom just answers the kids. I was waiting for her to tell them to keep quiet, but nooo. The kids commented stupid shit like "Oh look there's monkeys. The monkeys are attacking. Wow look at that." etc. 

There was this individual behind us who also kept talking and occasionally yelling stuff. Those occasions would have been perfect for the parents to say "sshh" but no, they just chatted away with the kid. He was sitting behind my bf and apparently he was kicking his seat the whole time, lovely. One time the kid farted out loud. At the end of the movie he had fallen asleep and his dad had to carry him out. 

My question is: why do you bring your kids to see an english speaking movie when your kids clearly are too young to understand english or read the subtitles? It's probably because the parents wanted to see the movie themselves lol. And I kind of understand the kids perspective, I might also talk if I didn't understand what was going on, but still had to sit through it for 2 hours. But I'm blaming the parents for not schooling their fucking kids how to behave in a movie theater. In finnish we call this "free parenting" and it has a bad reputation. 

My problem is: I don't feel happy paying 100 kr for this kind of shit. As I said I'm very money concious and wow what a downer when my movie experience got so much disturbance. Probably will not be going to the movies in a loong time, since I can just wait a while and see movies at home for cheaper. But it's sad cause most of the time I go to the movies it's awesome. For example Interstellar was amazing to see in a big screen and also We Are Your Friends because all the music was blasting loud! 

I can tell other shitty stories from my previous movie theater visits! Well just the ones I remember now off the bat. One time I was at the movies with my mum and I could smell this weird odour throughout the whole movie. It was a weird version of poop smell, which I didn't enjoy at all. When we left the theater my nurse mum informed me that that smell came from the guy next to us and from his too full poop bag (I'm sorry I don't remember the real medical term right now). 

Then there was this time when a fat guy sat next to me who brought super smelly coffee with him, and he sipped it for 2 hours and breathed very loudly. 

Yeah, most of these things are just small inconveniences which these people can't even help it. And I should know that there can be weird stuff happening when dealing with strangers in a movie theater. I don't know what I'm even trying to chase here. Shouganai! Can't be helped! It's just facts of modern day human life, I guess. 

Okay bye.